African solutions to African Challenges

We are

a civil society organisation working throughout Africa since 1992, to bring creative African solutions to the challenges posed by conflict on the continent.

We impact

political developments by bringing conflict resolution, dialogue and development to the forefront as an alternative to protracted conflict.

We work

throughout Africa, from SADC in the south, through the Great Lakes region to the Horn of Africa and in West Africa.

We are

a civil society organisation working throughout Africa since 1992, to bring creative African solutions to the challenges posed by conflict on the continent.

We impact

political developments by bringing conflict resolution, dialogue and development to the forefront as an alternative to protracted conflict.

We work

throughout Africa, from SADC in the south, through the Great Lakes region to the Horn of Africa and in West Africa.

We are

a civil society organisation working throughout Africa since 1992, to bring creative African solutions to the challenges posed by conflict on the continent.

We impact

political developments by bringing conflict resolution, dialogue and development to the forefront as an alternative to protracted conflict.

We work

throughout Africa, from SADC in the south, through the Great Lakes region to the Horn of Africa and in West Africa.

Latest News

Peace and Security

ACCORD Hosts Inter-Regional Dialogue on the Implementation of Youth Frameworks

Peace and Security

ACCORD Hosts Inter-Regional Dialogue on the Implementation of Youth Frameworks

Finding more sustainable, context-specific, and effective methods for developing capacity.

ACCORD participated in the South African Women’s pre-national dialogue 


ACCORD participated in the South African Women’s pre-national dialogue 


Regional Workshop to validate the SADC Youth, Peace and Security Strategy


Regional Workshop to validate the SADC Youth, Peace and Security Strategy


Pilot Training on the Reviewed Protection of Civilians Training Package for African Union Peace Support Operations


Pilot Training on the Reviewed Protection of Civilians Training Package for African Union Peace Support Operations


Facilitating Dialogue for Sudanese Women Refugees in Peacemaking and Peacebuilding Processes


Facilitating Dialogue for Sudanese Women Refugees in Peacemaking and Peacebuilding Processes

Providing centralised information about the latest developments from South Africa's local government coalitions​



Beyond hard tactics: Investigating the use of soft approaches in preventing and countering violent extremism in the informal settlements of Kibera, Nairobi County, Kenya


Beyond hard tactics: Investigating the use of soft approaches in preventing and countering violent extremism in the informal settlements of Kibera, Nairobi County, Kenya

Peace and Security

An in-depth analysis of maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea

Peace and Security

An in-depth analysis of maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea


East Africa’s path to unity: Community growth and regional peace initiatives in the Democratic Republic of the Congo


East Africa’s path to unity: Community growth and regional peace initiatives in the Democratic Republic of the Congo


Impact of the ongoing crisis on the education of the North West Region of Cameroon


Impact of the ongoing crisis on the education of the North West Region of Cameroon


The African Union’s 2063 goal of silencing the guns in the new world order


The African Union’s 2063 goal of silencing the guns in the new world order


Key outcomes from SADC’s 44th Ordinary Summit


Key outcomes from SADC’s 44th Ordinary Summit

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30 Years of ACCORD

Promoting dialogue towards building peaceful coexistence in an interdependent world​: ACCORD seeks to encourage and promote the constructive resolution of disputes, by the peoples of Africa, and so assist in achieving political stability and socio-economic recovery, within just and democratic societies, towards peaceful co-existence.

Working together for a better world

Peace is more than the absence of war, it is also the absence of poverty, inequality and unemployment
